Modern education is not what it was several decades ago. There are new tasks and ways to implement them. In particular, an academic community pays increased attention to artificial intelligence. It ceased to be a plot for fiction books and futuristic movies predicting the primacy of machines in all areas of human life. Even though the advent of AI was depicted by writers and directors as a revolution provokingwonderful or, on the contrary, catastrophic changes,technology has entered our reality calmly, without making crazy waves.
Humankind did not even notice how we delegated many routine operations to robots, started using intuitive sensors and personal assistants in smartphones, automatic parking for cars, smart home systems. We still do not have androids and other mind-blowing techniques. But it is difficult to imagine a regular American’s life without AI.
Scientists believe that machines can contribute to education and, in fact, this is already happening today. High-tech robots have not yet replacedlive teachers, but technology improves learning in many other ways. There are countless promising projects that may be implemented in the closefuture, grant unprecedented experience to teachers and students. Experts from Pro-Papers have outlined several options for applying AI in an educational environment.
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Eliminating routine
Educators spend much time on checking students’ essays and control papers. Automated grading systems may eliminate routine, safe time which may be spent on creative work, preparing for lectures, improving a curriculum, studying progressive teaching methods and communicating with learners.
Of course, some nuances cannot be assessed by machines, for example, authorial style and the beauty of narrative. There is still no quality essay-grading software, but experts are close to developing the first programs of this type. Current versions can detect grammar mistakes, highlight places with missing punctuation marks, check whether formatting requirements are met and perform some other simple functions.
AI is more effective for tests with multiple choices and fields for short textual explanations. Computers quickly count correct answers and show a grade. Students do not need to wait and worry several days until their teachers announce marks.
Adaptive educational software
One of the main benefits of AI is that it may be individualized, tailored in accordance with the unique needs of a user. There are many adaptive programs and learning apps analyzing students’performance, detecting weaknesses, providing additional materials on topics that should be studied more profoundly, repeating the most important concepts. With such smart assistants, teachersdonot have to work with each learner individually and compile personalized curricula, while young people can work at their own pace and eliminate knowledge gaps.
Adaptive learning systems have been successfullytested by many educational platforms, such as Khan Academy, have a great impact on the modern academic world, are going to expand and develop in the future.
Improving courses
Even the most talented educators make mistakes from time to time.It is challenging to detect a problem without feedback from students and effective analytical tools. AI can point at drawbacks in course materials and offer improvements. This approach is already used on an educational platform Coursera. If a large number of students answer the same question incorrectly, AI notifies a professor and provides customized hints which should help young people to cope with an assignment.
Tools of this group contribute to building an effective dialogue between a teacher and students, ensure that information is reliable and transmitted in an understandable form, that all learners form the same conceptson a topic being considered. Learners can save much time. There is no need to wait for a consultation with a professor because AI is always ready to provide helpful advice.
AI tutors
Of course, the educator’s supervision is needed to study any discipline profoundly. But digital tutors quite can explain the basics of writing and mathematics, the meaning of foreign words and provide other general information. After learning the key concepts with AI, a person may start working with a professor to develop critical thinking, start looking at things from different perspectives and reach one’s full potential.
At the same time, it is worth not forgetting that machines improve constantly. Some experts claim that the day will come for robots to replace live teachers and undertake all their responsibilities.
Information on students’ fingertips
We often do not even notice that AI scans our behavior and simplifies information search. It is hard to find a person who has never used Google, Amazon or Siri. These systems collect data on the user’s location, pages visited, goods purchased, commands made and offer content corresponding to one’s needs. The same principles may be applied in education for advanced research,allow students to find necessary materials, recent facts, studies of the best world scientists within minutes.
AI can change a teacher’s role
A teacher will always stay a significant figure in the educational process. However, one’s role can change. Educators should turn into operators of AI lessons, supplement them, help children to overstep challenging moments andacquire practical skills, compensate for the lack of emotions in a digitalized classroom, build interpersonal relationships and create a favorable psychological background, which robots are not capable of.
Trial-and-error learning becomes less intimidating
It is impossible to become a good specialist without facing obstacles and making mistakes on the way of self-perfection. Challenges harden our character and bring valuable experience. However, most students are stressed by failure, afraid to be losers in the eyes of peers and teachers. AI provides the system in which a person may freely experiment and not be judged by surrounding people. Instead, a computer gives useful recommendations on improvement.
Erasing territorial boundaries
AI turns a class into something more than a physical room where students come to learn – a virtual space which may be reached from anywhere in the world, contributes to globalizing education, promotes international cooperation and cultural exchange. Students can see the whole planet without leaving their rooms, save much time and money usually spent on traveling.

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