The cannabis plant is considered one of the most versatile plants in existence. This is due to its numerous derivatives, such as CBD and THC, that have been explored for various purposes, including medicinal and recreational purposes. Derivatives of the cannabis plant have been prescribed medically for a range of conditions such as chronic pain, poor appetite, glaucoma, etc. They have also been consumed recreationally for their relaxing and calming effects.
Recently, one of the derivatives of the cannabis plant known as delta 8 has been increasingly popular in the market. So, in this article, we will explore the effects of delta-8 in the body, outline some things you should know about delta-8, and also help you learn how long delta 8 remains in your system.
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What is Delta-8?
Delta-8 is a type of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. It is naturally found in trace amounts, often too little to be commercialized; hence, concentrated amounts are usually synthesized from cannabidiol (CBD). They can be found in various forms, such as gummies, vapes, tinctures, distillates, and infused beverages.
What Are The Effects of Delta-8?
Delta-8 is considered a milder alternative to Delta-9 THC, which is the main psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant that produces a “high” feeling. While Delta-8 is not as potent as delta-9 THC, it produces a similar effect on the mind as Delta-9 THC.
Some effects you may likely experience after consuming a Delta-8 product include:
- A feeling of relaxation, calmness, and comfort
- Improved appetite
- A clear-headed “high” feeling
- Improved focus and concentration
Most users of delta-8 often report a deep feeling of relief and peacefulness after consumption. Others describe it as a pleasant, floating, or uplifting experience –as though they are being relieved of some weight.
It is important to know that the effects of delta-8 vary across persons and may not be felt immediately after consumption. The amount of time it takes to start noticing the effects largely depends on how it is consumed. For instance, when consumed as a delta-8 gummy, it may take anywhere between 60 to 90 minutes to notice the effects. Also, the effect can last between 3 to 8 hours. Another factor that influences the effect of delta-8 on the body is the quality of the product consumed. Delta-8 products of low quality may not produce as much effect as those of high quality.
Medically, delta-8 has been reported by users to relieve symptoms of anxiety, chronic pain, stress, depression, etc. However, most of the evidence backing this claim is mainly anecdotal- based on experience from users.
Are There Any Side Effects Involved in Delta-8 Consumption?
It is important to know that the US FDA has not ascertained the safety of Delta-8 products for consumption, and its legality is not entirely clear as it is banned in some US states. As a result, it may pose several risks to consumers. Also, due to the fact that there is no proper dosage for delta-8 products, users can consume more amount than required and suffer side effects such as;
- Vomiting
- Memory loss
- Trouble standing.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Sedation
- Hallucinations
- Slowed breathing
- Changes in blood pressure
- Changes in heart rate
In addition, when consumed in overly high dosages, users may experience some effects that are similar to cannabis intoxication.
How Long Does Delta-8 Stay in Your System?
Usually, cannabis-derived products are stored in the fat cells in the body after consumption and are then slowly released with time. So, they can accumulate in the fat cells if they are consumed regularly. Therefore, how long delta-8 stays in your system depends on how it was consumed and how long you’ve been consuming it. For regular users, delta-8 can last in the system for as long as 15 days. For occasional users, it can last between 2 to 5 days. In the case of regular users with a high level of body fat, it can stay in the system for up to 30 days. Keep in mind that individual metabolism also plays a role in how long delta-8 can last in the system.
While cannabis-derived products are plant products and are considered natural, they can still have effects that are negative when consumed. This can be because they are naturally found in small amounts, and it can be difficult to identify a safe or proper dosage. Also, they can be produced and marketed in ways that are unsafe for consumption, especially for children.
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