Hello, have you ever thought of checking your internet speed here are the best websites that You can check Internet speed by testing? it is easy before you check you need an HTML5 browser just like the latest version of all top browsers including latest UC browser
Speed Test :
Speedtest.net is a web service that provides free analysis of Internet access parameters, such as connection data rate. It was founded by Ookla in 2006 and is based in Seattle, Washington.
The service measures the bandwidth and latency of a visitor’s Internet connection against one of many geographically dispersed servers located around the world. Each test measures the data rate for the download direction.
Speed test was done based on HTTP protocol it uploads data from computer and download data from server using a browser
Website: www.speedtest.net
Band Width Place:
Website: www.bandwidthplace.com
BandwidthPlace is a speed test of your bandwidth of Personal Computer, Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet or any device you are using. This HTML5 Speed test technology allows checking high-speed data plans or wifi hotspots. it also follows the same technology used in speedtest.net. It uploads the data from server and download data from servers in this process they check speed,they will calculate speed of the internet.
Conclusion :
speedtest is important when you go for new internet conection and you can check by downloading spped test app available for android and ios, highly recomemded to use speedtest.net it will show exactly and easy to use.
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