Table of Contents
Install Bluestacks on Windows Operating system
Install Bluestacks on Windows, There are many other various posts on many blogs. It is step by step procedure to install BlueStacks with screenshots. These screenshots were taken on Windows 8.1 these are same steps that can work on any version of windows. If you are using Bluestacks for using IMO on the desktop here is a guide how to install IMO without BlueStacks.
Note: Installing Bluestacks leads may slow down your computer.
Step by step procedure to Install BlueStacks:
- Download Latest version of BueStacks from here
- It is a bit large file around it takes some time nd click on downloaded file to run the application.
- Give administration access to install App
- It Is extracting wait until it completes 100%
- Then click on Install
- Choose the location where you want to install BlueStacks if you don’t want to change leave just like that.
- Click on Next and BlueStuacks starts installing
- Once Installation completes asking to start bluestacks
- Bluestacks ask to wait till it completes some installation process & Starting configuration.
- It may take some time depending on your internet connection, please wait.
- Login with Google and give location access(If you want to share)
- Click on later to add a debit card or credit card if you have not added before.
- Now installation is completed.
- Give a name to your tablet and Do whatever you want.
- You can access play store directly from blue stacks.
use Lucky Patcher with the bluestacks
Conclusion :
You can run many apps in BlueStacks, generally if is very good to use same as an android device.check how your If you have any problems in installing BlueStcks, please contact blue stacks support for more tricks Stay updated at

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