When you think about a company tagline, we’re sure that many come to mind. Some popular ones that often come up include the following. We’re certain you can place the name of the business in the blank as well. Don’t worry. If you cannot complete a couple of the blanks, the answers will be available for you at the end of this article.
“Just do it” – _______________
“The Quicker Picker Upper” – ________________
“Every Kiss Begins with Kay” – _______________ (That one was almost too easy)
“I’m Lovin’ It” – ____________________
“Can You Hear Me Now? Good.” – _____________
Let’s just assume that you have already created your incredible, memorable tagline, like the ones listed above. Now what?
The answer is, it is time to promote and advertise this handy-dandy tagline of yours! Promoting and advertising takes place in many arenas. However, your tagline will normally be placed on marketing materials such as:
- Social media content campaign pages
- Flyers
- Website headers, pop-ups, and affiliate marketing avenues
- Business cards
- Signs
- Stationary
- Commercials, radio spots, etc.`
Obviously, these are mainstream areas of your business that will get a ton of attention and make your audience more interested in the product or services you are promoting. Therefore, it is important that the tagline and message you are giving to your audience is consistent and transparent with your business’s mission. Some simple ways to do this is to make sure your tagline:
- Gives specific benefits to your customers. Think about how McDonald’s says “We Love to See You Smile.” The obvious benefit is a smile and positive outcome from eating at their restaurant. Think of benefits in those terms, but it can also be of a monetary or time savings benefit. Another example is Geico – “15 minutes could save you 15% or more on your car insurance.” BAM!
- Delivers what you can do or offer to the audience. For example, in Ford’s tagline, “Go further,” the tagline is sweet, simple, and to the point. The company is offering a vehicle that is going to last longer than the rest and “go further.” Great job, Ford.
- Provides keywords. As a customer, imagine that you are reading a tagline; however, the tagline is missing anything about what the company actually offers. Pause and think about the tagline “Allstate, you’re in good hands.” Without watching the commercial, would you really know what the company is providing? Give keywords that people can relate back to your business.
Now, back to promotion and advertising. Although we already told you places where the tagline will appear, that does not give you a clear, actionable way to put your tagline in action now, does it?
First thing is first. You need to design your tagline to fit with your logo, business color scheme, and business theme. Of course, you cannot display your fantastic tagline without a design and having it in “digital writing.”
Website & Social Media
The next suggestion is to get the ball rolling with your tagline by updating your website content and all social media channels to match your new tagline. See, the design step came in handy. The primary goal here is to remain consistent. That means, make sure your tagline, logo, and all other business marketing materials are lining up. Think of your customers and the image you are portraying through these channels.
Tangible Materials
Now, although you can complete this step before you update your website and social media, your physical materials also need to be updated. This includes business cards, signs, postage, and more. This all depends on your business as well. If you are an online company, you may not have to work about your tagline in this area as much unless you are attending conferences or other related business ventures.
Side note: If you change one item, PLEASE change them all. It is tacky and unprofessional to have an inconsistent brand and image.
If you a4re broadcasting via radio or television, first we want to say kudos to you! That is spectacular, but do not forget to integrate your tagline into your messages. Again, this is an easy way for your audience to relate back to what you are offering them and how it benefits their investment into your product or service.
There are a plethora of ways you can promote and advertise your tagline. The key is to stay consistent and easily transmit to your audience about your business. You should be unique and take advantage of your niche. Subsequently, make sure you promote your tagline in all areas of your business and through as many items of media as possible.
Excellent job! We cannot wait to see your tagline.

I am Very Enthusiastic about Writing Tech, Smart Phones, Products Reviews, Offers, and deals. I have been writing on tricks5.com since 2015.
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