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A motivated team is a key part of small business success, so here’s how to show your employees you care
As the owner of your own business, it’s important to remember what it was like to work for someone else. Having superiors to answer to and designated tasks to complete makes working as an employee a different experience to acting as an employer in your own company. Thinking back, you probably remember what it was that made all the difference to the way you felt about work – appreciation.
Employees who feel like their boss values what they do almost always tend to work better, stay longer and appear more positive than employees who don’t receive recognition. A 10-year case study by The O.C. Tanner Learning Group surveyed 200,000 managers and employees and discovered that 79% of employees who quit their job cited a lack of appreciation as a key reason behind their departure.
Showing your employees that you value them is key to a business that runs smoothly. With this in mind, the expert team at Syntax IT Support London are here to share their top tips for happy workers in your business.
Acknowledge work anniversaries
If you have employees who have already shown an impressive level of loyalty to your business by sticking with you for a while, it’s important to acknowledge this. The trademark anniversary watch may have largely fallen out of fashion in the business world, but the sentiment is still something you should try to bear in mind. Whether it’s a gift, a bonus or a planned event, be sure to treat your most loyal staff.
Celebrate special events with them
It’s not just work-based anniversaries which you should acknowledge either. Life is full of important milestones, and one way to show your employees that you care about them is to celebrate with them. Be it birthdays, weddings, holidays or new additions, boost the sense of camaraderie in your office by enjoying the good times together as an office. This could be something as simple as a drink after work or an office lunch – something simple which shows you care about your staff as people as well as employees.
Be flexible
We tend to forget just how much time 40 hours a week is. Aside from sleep, your employees are spending the largest chunk of their time helping to improve your business, so every once in a while give them some extra time to themselves. Whether it’s an early finish before a weekend or a holiday, or a mental health day if they seem to be struggling, your staff will greatly appreciate a chance to rest and recuperate. It could even make them more energised and productive workers when they return.
Say thank you
Sometimes, the smallest efforts are the most effective. Bonuses, lunches and early finishes are all well and good, but can begin to lose their impact if you start dishing them out too regularly. On a day-to-day basis, simply acknowledging the work your employees put into their jobs can be enough to keep them satisfied. Get into the habit of saying thank you when a task is completed, complimenting your staff on areas of their job which you feel like their really flourishing in.
Ensuring all your networks are fast, effective and safe
If, like many modern businesses, your day-to-day tasks rely heavily on tech devices and the internet, then a fast, secure connection is key. Employees who are forced to work on slow or risky equipment are far less likely to feel valued in their role. Improving your networks, documents and data with effective measures to boost speed and security will give your employees the right tools for the job, helping them feel supported by the workspace as well as their employer.
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